Name Your Setup

Build & share your (dream) setup!

Are there any products you’re missing?Help the community by uploading missing items to fill up the database.

Upload your own

Have multiple products to add?If you have a large collection of products, we wil help you by adding them all at once.Just get in contact with us.


Want to help moderate this site?If you want to help making this site even better, I would love to hear from you. Just shoot me a message!


I need your help getting all longboard items on this site!

All articles on this site are manually added through various means of finding items online. The list contains around 2000+ products at this moment, and it’s by no means complete.

There are multiple older decks or different variations that are not yet in the collection. If you are a longboard dealer (or enthusiastic) and are looking to add a lot of products at once, please contact me through one of the options below.

What would you like to submit?

If you want to submit more than one product at a time, refer to the info down below

Are you a longboard seller?

Do you have more than ten items to submit? I can run an importer. What I would need from you is some sort of data set file (eg a .json, .csv, .xml, ect).

The link below takes you to a form where you can fill in some general information, and where you can provide the data files. If you’d like some help you can use the same form.

Go to the submit form

What is this?

PC part picker, but for longboards.

Build & share your (dream) setup, too get feedback or just to show the world how awesome it is.

Road map

Projects are never done! Therefore you’ll get to peek behind the scenes. This is my todo list:

  • Keep save state after refresh
  • Allow saving multiple setups
  • Create a list of most visited/popular setups
  • Allow for a visual way to have two different trucks/wheels
  • Add a distinctive element that you're looking to upgrade a particular item
  • Do a reimport of a lot of trucks and wheels that have the wrong images
  • Refactor all the code

Want to help?

Are you a Vue.js/Nuxt or Javascript developer?

Shoot me a message

This site is hosted on Github Pages

If you're looking for the source code or if you’re just interested to see how it's build you can take a look at the repository.

Github repo

Are there any products you’re missing?Help the community by uploading missing items to fill up the database.

Upload your own

Have multiple products to add?If you have a large collection of products, we wil help you by adding them all at once.Just get in contact with us.


Want to help moderate this site?If you want to help making this site even better, I would love to hear from you. Just shoot me a message!
